Model GH 60 Aluminum & GH-66 StaInless Steel Weir Gates

- Upstream Water Elevation Control
- Flow Measurement
- Flexible Design Customized to Fit Most Project Applications
- Fully-adjustable Sealing System
- Meets AWWA Leakage Standards
Golden Harvest Inc. Weir Gates are designed to control upstream water elevation and can provide a rough estimate of flow using notched gates via the downward- opening design. Weir gates function like slide gates, except that the disc opens downward allowing outflow to weir over the top of the gate.
Weir gates are typically required to be substantially wider than they are high. In order to insure proper alignment of the slide tandem lifts are often provided. As a general rule, when the slide width becomes equal to or greater than twice the height a tandem lift should be utilized. On smaller weirs, 48Ó and below special UHMW rub strips or anti-racking devises can be used.