GH-39 StaInless Steel & Aluminum Flap Gates

- Back Flow Prevention in Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications
- Operates Automatically With Small Differential Head Pressure
- Provides for Flood and Salinity Control in Coastal Areas
- Flexible Design Customized to Fit Most Project Applications
Golden Harvest, Inc. supplies Flap Gates in stainless steel, aluminum, and spun aluminum and supplied with neoprene seals. Flexible design available in square, rectangular and circular shapes.
Automatic, circular opening for gravity flow and pump discharge can be aluminum or stainless steel. Stainless steel construction is recommended for pump discharge applications where the flap gate is located such that pressures are violent at the discharge pipe.
Flap gates have a built-in taper. With a small differential pressure on the back of the gate, it opens automatically to allow discharge. When the head is greater on the face side of the gate, the flap closes automatically to prevent back flow.
Flap gates act as natural skimmers of debris such as branches, logs and trash. It is recommended that frequent inspection and cleaning be scheduled to keep the flap gate working effectively. Installation should incorporate a vertical elevation drop below the flap gate of 300 to 600mm, to allow debris to work its way free of the gate. Protection of a flap gate should be considered when the installation projects into a stream flow where heavy debris or ice may be present.
Special variations include side-hinged flap, top hinged flap with buoyancy chambers and secondary buoyant door designs.
Mounting Options:
Surface / 125# Flange / Spigot or Collar / Thimble